Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Grace 14 weeks

Here goes my first post about Grace Elizabeth!

I can't believe I waited this long to do this. Grace is 14 weeks old already! She's getting so big! Her 4 month checkup is just a couple weeks away. I can't wait to see how much she weighs, how tall she is and how she's developing. When I weigh her at home she's about 14 pounds. Already more than double her birth weight! She's filling out 3-6 month clothing well, too. And those cheeks! Oh, those cheeks. We call her our little chunky monkey. For now at least :)

She's starting to smile a lot more and pay attention to things moving around her. She loves listening to her daddy make silly noises and loves music! She loves being in her bedroom. She does not like being in her carseat. At all.  It's been so much fun learning different things about her. Every day is a learning process, some days more challenging than others, but every second is precious! We are so blessed to have such a sweet baby girl!

See you soon!



101 in 1001

101 Things I want to do in 1001 Days.

That would mean if I started it today 1/31/2012, it would end on 10/28/2014.

I saw this on my best friends blog and decided it was something I wanted to do. Let's just hope I can keep up with this blog like I say I'm going to! Wish me luck :)

I want to:

1) Buy a new vehicle
2) Stick to an "all healthy" diet for a month
3) Drink nothing but water for a month
4) Visit Maine
5) Have another baby
6) Put $5/week into savings
7) Read 5 books
8) Read the entire Bible
9) Send someone a letter/gift in the mail once a month
10) Get a professional massage
11) Go to a drive in movie
12) Do something that scares me
13) Make dinner every day for a month
14) Take matt to a Red Wings game
15) Pay for a meal for a stranger
16) Make something for each of my neighbors and give it to them
17) Volunteer for something
18) Make a list if 101 things that make me happy
19) Do not say anything negative for a day x5
20) Keep up with the laundry for a month
21) Have breakfast with my dad at least once a month for a year
22) Have a girls night out x3
23) Shoot a handgun
24) Shoot a deer in MI
25) Perform a random act of kindness
26) Complete a 5k
27) Get a manicure
28) Write a letter to someone who has impacted my life and give it to them.
29) Go through my clothes and donate (and admit there are some i just wont fit in again)
30) Go wine tasting
31) Get highlights
32) Decorate for Christmas with excitement again
33) Once a week, get rid of something that I dont use. (use it up, wear it out, make it do, or do without:))
34) Start putting all my loose change in the vacation jar
35) Travel by train
36) Develop a budget and stick to it
37) Use re-usable grocery bags for a year
38) Leave 3 operation beautiful notes
39) Take family pics once a year
40) Do a girls day with Biz
41) Send out Christmas cards every year
42) Hang out with my sister-in-law Ashley
43) Compliment 5 strangers
44) Buy something for myself without feeling guilty
45) Make a meal list for a month. Stick to it.
46) Start couponing again.
47) Cross Country ski
48) Go bowling 3 times
49) Ride a horse again
50) Pay double mortgage 3 times.
51) Rollerblade
52) Write a letter to Grace once a year for her to open when she gets married.
53) Finish my family and friends picture wall
54) Organize the filing cabinet
55) Go kayaking 10 times
56) Donate blood again
57) Start running again
58) Take a photo every day for a year and make an album
59) See the passion of christ
60) Call my aunt more often
61) Build credit
62) Bring lunch to work every day for a month x6
63) Slowly replace my wardrobe with more "adult" clothing
64) Read Pride and Prejudice
65) Get my new SSN card
66) Host a family dinner
67) Learn CPR
68) Complete a Devotional Book
69) Go to the Zoo
70) Watch the sunrise on the beach
71) Buy some new frying pans
72) Do something special for Matt once a month
73) Write something Im thankful for every day for a month
74) Write down every single thing we spend money on for a month, and see where we can cut back
75) Have a date night at least every other month
76) Play in the snow, try to enjoy it again
77) Print some pictures for my work space
78) Go the Ulta
79) Dont go on facebook for a week
80) Have a Disney Movie/Chinese night with Angela
81) Take pictures of Grace Often, and keep a picture book.
82) Keep up ith Graces Baby book.
83) Make crafts more often
84) Grow out my hair
85) Get a tattoo
86) Do 5 crafts found on Pinterest
87) Make 5 meals found on Pinterest
88) Buy a peice of land
89) See Biz 5 times
90) Fill out Grace's baby book- and keep it up!
91) Make my own laundry soap at least once.
92) Wear my glasses like I should
93) Can every year (salsa, apples, peaches at least)
94) Take the CPL Class (buy a handgun)
95) Pay off the Trailblazer
96) Take a class for fun (even just a one day class)
97) Bake cupcakes and decorate them fancy.
98) Take a walk 1x week for a whole summer with my family.
99) Host a dinner party.
100) Teach someone something I can do that they want to know how to do.
101) Recycle everything possible for a month.