Thursday, December 23, 2010

Oops! I missed yesterday!

So..Yesterday was one of the busiest days I've had in a while, so I wasn't able to get on here, but here is day 9:)
Day 09 — A photo you took

I took this in Matts music room. I really enjoy taking pictures, but I dont get around to it often. He posted it on his facebbok and I had to claim credit for it beacuse everyone was giving him credit for it...haha! Also, this one:

Is from a day that Matt and I drove around and took pictures. It was such a fun day, and the colors were SO beautiful that day!

I probably won't be on here the next few days with Christmas and all, so Merry Christmas!


Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Day 8- A photo that makes you angry or sad:

Okay, I really dont like this today, but I'll do it, I wont skip a day!
I think the pics that make me really angry/sad are ones of people who are anorexic. It makes me SO sad to see people who are that sick and skinny. And it makes me angry that this world has come to the point that to be "beautiful" you have to be a twig. I mean dont get me wrong, I think it's good to feel good about yourself,a nd to be healthy, but this goes beyond that. Even more sad is the fact that little girls are feeling these pressures. I can assure you when I was 8 I didnt care if I was 5 pounds overweight. Adn theres websites that ancourage anorexia... It's just a really sad thing.

Well, Hope you all have a good day! See you tomorrow!

Monday, December 20, 2010

Day 7- A Photo That Makes you Happy

Really? Only one? That's so hard, but I really love this photo:

This year a bunch of us went on a trip to the U.P. It was amazing. We were sitting on this waterfall, it was so beautiful!


Friday, December 17, 2010

The Next Three days, today!

So, I'm going out of town to my grandma and grandpas for "my side of the family" Christmas! I'm so excited to go because I get to see my family and just relax...and Matt is coming, which is really exciting cuz he's usually out of town for work during these gatherings :)
So I'm going to do today through Sundays challenges so that I'll be up to date when I'm back Monday!  Here it goes!

Day 04 — Your favorite book
  This is a hard one for me...I really have liked reading lately. I read that Bible the most of anything that I read, but I'd have to say my favorite book aside from the Bible is probably Nicholas Sparks- The Last Song. I love all Nicholas Sparks books, he's a great writer and his book are easy reads. If you ever watched the movie the last song, it does not even come close to the book. I was sobbing while reading the book. It's just fantastic. Read it!

Day 05 — Your favorite quote
Hmm..this one is hard. Obviously, "Worry ends where Faith begins" is one that I live by. But I also really like a lot of other quotes. Here's a few:

“Laugh as much as you breathe and love as long as you live.” -Unknown

"The friend is the man who knows all about you, and still likes you." -Elbert Hubbard

" God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference." -Reinhold Niebuhr

"Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful." - Herman Cain

I could seriously fill up pages of quotes I love, but there's a few :)

Day 06- Whatever Tickles Your Fancy
This makes me laugh. 

Knitting looms. I love them. They are the best thing I have found yet. I've made a billion hats and some scarfs and I just love it, plus its so easy a 3rd grader could do it!


Alright, that's all for now! :) See you Monday!


Thursday, December 16, 2010

Day 3- Your Favorite Show

Okay, so I know I'm probably going to look ridiculous saying this...but my favorite TV show is probably Glee. Yup. I really don't ever watch TV, and that's the only show I make sure to watch every week. So, yeah.  :) But I also really like Cougar town...I think it's so funny and I love all the people in it. It's like such an outrageous group of friends and I think we can all feel like we have friendships like that, but you still love them yeah that's close for first place for my favorite show.

And I know this is totally off topic, but I just have to say this. The plow that plows the road in front of our house knocked off our mailbox! So now we don't have one and I have to go to the Post Office tomorrow to get a PO Box for the winter because it's easier that way. But that mean I have to go at like 7:30 before work because they're only open the hours I'm at work...AND the Post Office is in the opposite direction of my work. Awesome.

That's all for tonight. Time for bed...early to bed, early to rise :)

Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Christmas Tag! (Thanks Biz!:)) and Day 2: Favorite Movie

Christmas Tag!
1.) Wrapping Paper or Gift Bags? I guess wrapping paper. Bags are good for the weird things that you couldn't possibly wrap with paper :)

2.) Tree; Real or Fake? Fake. I love real trees, but I put up our pre-lit fake tree this year and I was in love. So much easier, much less mess, and my dog doesn't think he's outside and can pee on this tree :)
3.) When do you put the tree up? I put mine up usually on December 3rd. It's been a tradition since I met Matt. Unfortunately this year I was 2 days late :( Oh the business of life.
4.) When do you take the tree down? Usually a week or two after Christmas. Just depends!
5.) Like Eggnog? Nu uh. Can't do it. It's thick and makes me think like the consistency of pepto bismol. Ew.
6.) Do you have a Nativity Scene? Yes. Matt's dad got it for me last year. It's one of those Williow Tree figurine. It's so amazing.
7.) Favorite Gift Received as a Child?Oh, man. That's hard. Probably when My dad and StepMom took all of the kids to Cozumel Mexico for spring break. That was such a surprise and we had so much fun.
8.) Hardest person to buy for? Matt! He buys everything he wants and changed his mind all the time. It's impossible.
9.) Easiest person to buy for? Hmm...probably Matt's step brother. Get him something to do with hunting and he's happy!
10.) Worst Gift? I don't like getting Christmas theme things for Christmas. Now I have to wait a year to be able to enjoy it.
11.) Mail or E-mail Christmas cards? Mail. I made photo cards. They still haven't come to me. Hopefully by Christmas so I can get them out before it's too late.
12.) Favorite Christmas Movie? The Grinch and Charlie Brown Christmas. Childhood memories :)
13.) When do you start shopping for Christmas presents? Like a month or less before Christmas. I'm bad at pre-shopping.
14.) Have you ever recycled a Christmas present? Mmm Hmm
15.) Favorite food to eat on Christmas? Uhm, Matts mom always makes all kinds of snacky foods, an I love it all. Probably my favorite would be the bbq meatballs or corn salad, yum! ( Biz- I want Aunt Joanie's shortbread!!!!)
16.) Clear or colored tree lights? Clear.
17.) Favorite Christmas Song? Baby it's cold outside.

18.) Home or Travel? Ehh, I'm good either way. I think when I have kids I'll want to stay home more, but for now I like seeing the extended family!
19.) Store-bought or handmade? I wish I had enough timeto hand-make all my gifts. I try to make at least part of them hand made- then the rest I buy. In the perfect world, I'd make them all.
20.) Angel or Star as a tree-topper? I have no topper right now. Poor tree.
21.) Open presents on Christmas Day or Christmas Eve? One on Christmas Eve, the rest Christmas day.
22.) Most annoying thing about this time of year? People getting so stressed about it!23.) Bake at home or buy? I love love love to bake.
24.) Lights outside? None as of yet. Hopefully next year! We shall see!
25.) Mistletoe? I don't have any yet, but next house we live in there WILL be some, somewhere! (Biz, you never paid any attention if you never saw it other than a store...we  had mistletoe hanging in our house every year growing up!)

Okay, that's all for now that...

30 Day Challenge- Day2: Your favorite Movie:
My all time favorite movie is Pride and Prejudice. I love it. I don't know why I love it so much, but its so amazing and romantic. You have to see it if you haven't, and let me know what you think!

I love SO many movies. It's ridiculous. But that's probably my favorite.

See you tomorrow! :)


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Here it goes!

Well, I'm starting this all because of Biz. I read her blog (beautyinaboysworld) all the time, plus she's the best friend I've ever had, so it just made sense to make one for her to read, too :) Anyway, I don't really know exactly what this blogs going to be about, other than maybe just thoughts, and fun things i find to blog about:)
I chose Worry Ends Where Faith begins for a lot of reasons. 1) I worry far too much 2) I know I shouldn't 3) I know that when I pray about it I worry much less. Not to mention that I honestly believe that Faith has saved me over these past 5 years.
I'm thankful for everything I have in life and know it wouldn't be possible if not for God!

So...I think today I'll start a little "challenge"
Day 1: Your favorite song

My favorite song is something beautiful by Need to Breathe.
Matt (my husband for those who don't know) and I found this group and they are amazing. We saw them in concert and were blown away. I just love the song. I have for ever. I could listen to it over and over again. I just heard on the radio that they're going to open for Taylor Swifts next tour, which i was surprised about, and it makes me a little sad cuz they probably wont do the little local shows anymore, but good for them! Anyway, you should check the song out. Their live version on youtube is amazing.

Anyway, this is day I'll blog tomorrow for day 2 of my challenge :)
